Jul 29, 2013

I suck at blogs.

This is the truth.

In my own defense, the entire time I was in Kiangan there were only two places I could go to use the internet.

Place One: Our usual  go to place had the worst internet I could have ever imagined. It was the office for Save The Ifugao Terraces Movement. At first I got annoyed with how awful the connection was, but by the end the place became like an escape from the field and the craziness that was accessioning.

Place Two: MARVIC'S! My favorite little store with the absolute best human beings I have ever met. They had an internet connection and we would guy buy ice cream and just stand in the aisles and talk to our loved ones.

This aside, I did keep a journal while I was in Kiagan. So, in order to post things on here and keep a hard record of it, I am going to write from the journal on to here and add photos/ deeper explanations. I wish I could have blogged at the time, but electronics were not exactly my forte while abroad. I was more concerned about dodging giant bugs and not getting a tape worm. This will all be explained later.

So that is that! Deal! I told you, writing can be hard in foreign countries!! Especially in places like Kiangan.... where life is beautiful and every where you turn there are kids playing, the most beautiful views and the happiest people you will ever meet.

Ok, as for this blog.... It is entitled "Indiana Jessie" and I am taking that to mean all sorts of adventures. My life adventures, my across the world adventures.... my cooking adventures. This life of mine  is one big adventure and I fully plan on living it that way.

So far, so good :)

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