This week has been rough on me. I am just coming off of Spring Break (without going away for the first time in 4 years) and I am not readjusting well.
For starters: I leave again soon... Really soon. And I probably (hopefully **fingers crossed**) will be going away for a long time. A really long time. How long? To be determined. How far? Also, to be determined. Keep me in your thoughts, preferably along side the positive images and rainbows and kittens.
My brain turned off on Tuesday afternoon and I have not been able to keep it on long enough to function like a proper human being. To make matters even worse, it seems like everyone around me hasn't readjusted either. Granted, I work in education (which I truly love, I might add) and granted that I am probably taking everything too personally at the moment, I still would like the last sixish weeks of school to be relatively peaceful. I also know this is not going to happen BECAUSE I work in education and six weeks of peace is laughable by teacher standards.*
*(note: if you are a teacher who has experienced six weeks of peace during the term of your employment, please promptly contact me so that I may quit my current place of employment and throw my skills at yours. Quite literally. If you have six weeks of peace in a class room I am going to assume A. You're delusional , B. You've become best friends with a Unicorn and C. You live in Colorado, because, you know, that's legal there)
For seconders: I leave for San Diego on Saturday after noon and that is also adding to the zero level of functions going on in my noggins right now. Pretty sure my brain has already tricked me into smelling ocean breezes and sipping a sex on the beach.... maybe on the beach.
Saturday.... Just hurry up.
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