About Me

My name is Jessie.

Jessica C.Ann Laurence. The C. doesn't stand for anything. I actually think my parents just threw it in there to confuse the hell out of the rest of the world. Or to just cause me a lot of grief when I fill out applications.
I am a twenty something and I love life. Let us just be real for a second, life is beautiful. Every little bit of it. From the good to the bad to the just plain weird. Life. Is. Beautiful.
Hapao, Ifugao Provence. Philippines.
I am married to a super awesomesauce human being who is the bestest most incredible super dude in the world. Well, at least in my world. We have two awesome cats and two pretty awesome dogs. Gouda, Bosworth, Pepper Jack and Mozzarella. Yes, all of my animals are named after various cheeses.... and yes, all four of them are obsessed with socks. This will be addressed at a later time.
Adventuring is my favorite thing to do. I have no problem eating Ramen Noodles for the rest of my life as long as it means I can go on my next adventure. And to be honest, with the career I want to go into I probably will be eating Ramen for the rest of my life anyway.
China. Great Wall. Jelly Legs.

I really, really love pickles.  I could write ballads about pickles. When I am abroad I dream about pickles. My husband has started picking me up from the airport with two dill pickles instead of roses. I love them that much. I also have quite an affinity for soup. 

I also really love wine. Too much actually. Whoops.

I appreciate spontaneity.

I am absolutely TERRIFIED of cockroaches... and Crocodiles.... AND snakes that swim. Mainly, I am just scared of cockroaches. At one point in my life, all laid up from knee surgery number two,  I called my dad home from work to kill a cockroach that I had trapped in a corner. I was so hysterical on the phone he rushed home, found me basically hiding across the room and then discovered the whole incident was cockroach related. True story.
I'm a firm believer in trying everything at least once.
And last, but definitely not least, I can be awkward.
I am a beauty. 

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