Jan 26, 2014

I don't always drink a bottle of $2 Buck Chuck on my own, but when I do I hate myself the next morning.

I <3 weekends. Who doesn't love weekends? Actually, to be honest, I love Tuesdays the most because they are so damn easy on me. The last couple of days have just been so blissful. I like being happy. Most of all I like feeling like my husband and I are in sync with one another. It's good. :). I drank a bottle of $2 chuck and watched scary movies last night. This is how I know I've officially grown up. I'm excited to sit with my dog, drink cheap wine, and watch bad movies on Netflix. It was actually perfect and I can't wait to do it again.

This morning Tucker and I drove up to San Jose so Tuck could play pick up football with some of his work friends. He even wore his high school football cleats. I forgot how athletic he was  (hahah, oops). Even the boys that were smaller than he is were yelling things like, "Boy got moves!" or, my favorite, "YOU ARE DECEPTIVELY ATHLETIC". Something about watching 24-35 year old guys play pick up football is absolutely adorable. And slightly painful, but mostly adorable.

ALSO, on a really happy note, TUCKER BOUGHT ME A POPCORN MAKER. It was like all of my dreams just came true. I've also eaten more popcorn in the last two days than I have in the last two years. Combined. Greatest investment ever.

Here's to starting a new week, with new goals and a big smile on my face.

From this summer, but I love this photo any way :)

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